Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What we did on our snow day....

We had our first snow day of the school year today (and we barely got snow during the day). I kept Ellie and James home from day care and we began our day with pancakes. When James went down for his morning nap, Ellie and I got crafty. We made Valentines:

I had a feeling I'd have today off from work so I bought Valentine-making supplies yesterday after school. For some strange reason I bought glitter for Ellie to use. I'm not sure why I thought that was a good idea, perhaps it was all the excitement about having a day home with the kids. It worked out pretty well though. Then Ellie spent some time reading and relaxing on her bed:

We went for a walk around 12:30. See what little snow we had then?

After James woke up from his second nap of the day, he had fun playing with this toys...

and Ellie got all dressed up to show off the necklace we made together this afternoon.

All in all, it was a great day at home!

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