We had a great Halloween this year, Ellie was totally into it. She wanted to draw the face on the pumpkin for me to carve so she drew a face (see above) but it was a little too small for me to carve, so I asked her what shape she wanted the eyes to be. She wanted the jack o'lantern to have square eyes, so I drew them and she was able to make the nose and mouth bigger once we had the eyes done. Yes, those shapes underneath the square eyes are the nose and mouth. I think he looks like he's smirking on the side. Ellie was really proud of her work.
She likes to write her name on all of her masterpieces. Our Jack o'lantern was no exception.
Ellie and James were the butterfly and the very hungry caterpillar that the butterfly once was.
It was pretty nippy outside so James was happy to have this large headpiece on.
Ellie was thrilled that Polly was also a butterfly.
After going to a big playground party/parade, we went trick or treating with some friends. James really enjoyed this part. He not only kept up with the "big" kids but he also let himself into quite a few houses. He would squeeze by the people handing out the candy and go into their homes. I would have to go in to retrieve him.
Having Uncle here for Halloween was an added bonus!